A Pollinator Garden Kit: 1

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Pollinator Meadow Design.png
Pollinator Meadow Key.png

A Pollinator Garden Kit: 1


Pre-order one of our perennial plant kits to thrive in your home garden next spring! Let us do the designing, and you can do the planting! Skip the germination phase of creating a meadow by seed, and plant with plugs!

Included in this kit are 35 sun-loving, drought-tolerant native perennial plugs & plants that will produce a wonderful perennial garden. An average cost of $4 per plant! Soil preparation is a big key to success so make sure you start with a nice clean palette to plant these small, but hardy specimens! Mulch around these plugs with shredded leaves from your property to enhance moisture retention & enhance weed suppression during early development. Regular watering upon planting is also crucial to their success.

This selection of plants will fill in ~100 square foot space & range in height from 2-6’. Check out our mock-up garden design, which will give you an idea of how to plant according to height to get beautiful blooms from June thru October! Recommended plant spacing is 1.5-2.5’ per plant.

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